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st patrick’s day

St. Patrick’s Day…….

clara ivaldi (2) As a child, some of my fondest memories were hanging around the city with Aunt Clara. She had a beautiful voice, singing with the Oratorio Society during the season at Carnagie Hall and did a few stints at the Met. She worked as an interior decorator in Manhattan and had her own workroom on 53rd street where custom lampshades and pillows were made.  I used to stretch out the window of the third floor to see the St. Patrick’s Day parade. Then off we would go  to eat where Aunt Clara would order a whiskey sour because “the Irish do make great whiskey, not much for wine though”. This week marked her passing at 109 years old. Here she is wearing the green………Happy St. Patrick’s Day and God Bless…………

TONI SABATINO    tonisab@optonline.net         516-972-5455